Nami Island, located in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, is a crescent-shaped isle nestled in the beautiful waters of the North Han River. Under the concept of “a fairy-tale country, an island of songs,” it continuously hosts various cultural events, concerts, and exhibitions, offering dreams and hopes to children, love and memories to couples, and a foundation for creativity to cultural figures.
Key Facilities and Experiences on Nami Island
- Zip Wire**: Experience the thrill of gliding into Nami Island from an 80M high tower, enjoying the breathtaking views of the Bukhan River.
- Bicycle (Bike Center): Cycling is the most effective way to explore Nami Island, with options for single, couple, and family bikes, including electric ones. For a unique experience, try the Sky Bike to enjoy panoramic views of Nami Island.
- Nami Train: A small train that takes passengers from the wharf to the center of the island, offering scenic views along the way.
- Story Tour Bus: Upon disembarking at the wharf, a friendly guide awaits on the eco-friendly Story Tour Bus to start a comprehensive tour of Nami Island.
- Adventure Forest TreeGo & TreeCoaster: Enjoy a European-style forest adventure with wire ropes and platforms connecting trees, enhancing health, confidence, and adventurous spirit.
- Water Leisure: Experience thrilling water sports (Viper, Disco Pang Pang, Banana, Fly Fish, Peanut) and rowing boats (duck boats, rowing boats) on the Cheongpyeong Lake, perfect for cooling off during the hot summer.
Best Time to Visit Nami Island
Nami Island is enchanting all year round, but it is particularly stunning during the autumn when the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and yellow, and during spring when cherry blossoms bloom, creating a magical atmosphere.
Cultural Facilities Hidden Gem of Nami Island
Beyond its natural beauty, Nami Island offers various cultural facilities like the Song Museum, Picture Book Playground, MICE Center, enriching visitors’ cultural experiences. The UNICEF Lounge and Together Park are especially popular among families.
Accommodation on Nami Island, Hotel Jeonggwanru
Considering staying overnight? Hotel Jeonggwanru offers rooms with diverse themes and independent spaces by the riverside, making your stay on Nami Island even more special.
Tips for Visiting Nami Island
- Nami Island operates all year round, with seasonal activities and events.
- Utilize the Nami Train and Story Tour Bus for convenient exploration of the island.
- Nami Island allows pets, making it a perfect destination for travelers with furry friends.