G-Dragon Embarks on U.S. Journey, Marking His Comeback

Singer G-Dragon has embarked on a trip to Los Angeles, USA, signaling a full-fledged return to his activities. Captured at the airport on the 5th, G-Dragon is scheduled to attend ‘CES 2024’ in Las Vegas, USA, starting on the 9th.

[출처 : 스포츠뉴스 /sportsnews]

On this day, G-Dragon appeared at the airport donning a beige long coat, red hat, black sunglasses, and a mask, capturing the attention of his fans. His departure to the U.S. marks an exciting start with Galaxy Corporation, drawing widespread interest.

Last October, G-Dragon was charged with drug use but was acquitted of all charges after testing negative in all examinations. Following this, he left YG Entertainment and joined Galaxy Corporation, where he established the ‘Just Peace’ foundation for drug eradication and prevention, contributing 300 million won.

In a handwritten letter, G-Dragon expressed his desire to “share opportunities with those who cannot receive treatment and to play a systemic role in preventing the repetition of unjust incidents.” His actions have positively influenced many.

With his departure to the U.S., anticipation for G-Dragon’s future activities is growing. His confident return and new beginnings are garnering attention and support from many.

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