Budae Jjigae, also known as Army Stew, is a unique and beloved Korean dish born out of necessity during the Korean War. It has since evolved into a gourmet delight that combines various ingredients such as sausages, ham, and vegetables in a spicy and savory broth. This golden recipe brings out the best in Budae Jjigae, offering a rich and satisfying taste that rivals even the best specialty restaurants. Perfect for sharing with family and friends, this dish not only fills the stomach but also warms the heart.
- Sausages: 6 pieces
- Canned ham: 1/2 can (small size)
- Ground pork (or bacon or thinly sliced pork belly): a handful
- Kimchi: a handful
- Onion: 1/2
- Green onions: 1-2 stalks
- Minced garlic: generously
- Cheddar cheese: 1 slice
- Beef bone broth(or water) : 1 pack
- Red chili powder: 2 tablespoons (T)
- Gochujang (Korean red chili paste): 1 tablespoon (T)
- Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons (T)
- Cooking wine (Mirim): 1 tablespoon (T)
- Ground black pepper: a pinch
- Cut the sausages and canned ham into bite-sized pieces. Slice the green onions and onion similarly, ensuring there’s plenty of each to counteract the richness of the meats.
- Layer the prepared ingredients in a pot, including the ground pork and kimchi.
- Pour in the beef bone broth(or water), adding water if necessary to just cover the ingredients.
- Combine all the seasoning ingredients to make the sauce, then add it to the pot.
- Once the stew begins to boil, add a generous amount of minced garlic, stirring well to mix the seasoning and ingredients thoroughly.
- Towards the end of cooking, add a slice of cheddar cheese and adjust the seasoning with salt to taste.
This Budae Jjigae recipe is not just about creating a delicious meal; it’s about bringing a piece of Korean history to your table. The combination of flavors and textures makes it a must-try dish that’s perfect for any occasion, especially during cold weather when the warmth of a hearty stew is most appreciated.